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Air Cargo Freighters - (P2F) CONVERSIONS

Air Cargo
We arrange (P2F) conversions for clients worldwide.
What is now Cargo Jets, started with a Boeing B707-320C
in the late 196os, later the B727-100C, then the B727-200C
We provide the highest level of service to our clients and minimizing the clients risk on used freighters is our goal !
Our associates are available to the client during the clients normal business day, their local time (Worldwide); after the initial inquire, through its conclusion.
Flight Crews:
Cargo Jets can arrange FAA Certified ATP Pilot service worldwide on a contract basis.
We are looking for late model passenger airliners for (P2F) and (VIP) Conversions.
Please contact one of our associates if you represent a PAX airliner for sale.
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